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Renderworks Kanten rechnen dauert lange


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Ich glaube da stimmt gerade etwas nicht.

Wurden wohl in bestimmten Fällen Kanten berechnet auch wenn keine aktiviert waren usw.

Gab einen Thread im US Forum, hab ihn aber nicht richtig gelesen.


Ist also bekannt und wird wohl demnächst behoben werden.[/u]

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Hallo herbieherb


Bitte nimm mal einen Renderstil und schaue ob es da schneller geht wenn du Kanten ausgeschalten hast und z.B. die Qualität reduzierst. Sicher wäre es auch gut, wenn du die Datei zur Analyse an den Helpdesk von ComputerWorks senden könntest.


Viele Grüsse, Marc

Leiter BIM Consulting

ComputerWorks Schweiz


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Sicher wäre es auch gut, wenn du die Datei zur Analyse an den Helpdesk von ComputerWorks senden könntest.



Das wäre wohl angebracht.


Ist wohl doch noch nicht richtig als Bug eingestuft,

scheint ggf. mit Problemen älterer Vorlagedateien zusammenzuhängen :







A few things, there are two distinct issues here (not just in this thread but in a few support tickets here as well):


Issue 1) Edges always APPEAR IN the rendering, even when Edges isnt checked in the render settings. This bug has been filed, reported and should be fixed in an upcoming SP.


Issue 2) "Edges" appears in the progress bar, even when Edge options are enabled. This is a result of physical rendering doing a pass on any non-filled objects. It is new to 2016 with physical rendering but SHOULD NOT significantly increase render times over previous versions.


As a result of the upgrades in 2016, there is actually the Edges phase (which actually draws, you know, edges) and then another phase called Edges which may be called something like "Filling Unsolid Polys" in the future to alleviate confusion.


However, IF you are seeing that this Edges phase is contributing a significant amount to your rendering time and you do not have Edges enabled, please post here or send me a file where that occurs: tech@vectorworks.net ATTN Jim. Engineering would like to get there hands on a sample where this is significantly slowing down renders.





Okay, this is interesting...


I have a symbol with an area light, which I though was causing problems. After a bit of mucking around, I found that the issue seems to lie within our document template?!


File 1

New blank document

Pasted an object into design layer

Created viewport with standard settings

Changed to Final Quality RW

Rendered without Edges


File 2

New from our companies document template (same template since 2014)

Pasted an object into design layer

Created viewport with standard settings

Changed to Final Quality RW

Rendered WITH Edges


Would you know what could cause this Jim? I can send you the document template if required.

📦 Mac Mini M1 16 GB M1  macOS 15 Sequoia PB

🗑️ Mac Pro 6c 24 GB D700  macOS 12.5 Monterey, in Rente ...
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