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GrandMA3 Vision Varilite VL5

Kay Möller

Empfohlene Beiträge

Hallo Zusammen,

weiß jemand zufällig wie ich in Vision den VL5 Dimmer ansteuern kann.


GrandMA3 Mac Fixture VL5 Mode4 , Vision 2023.


Ich kann alle Parameter der Lampe in Vision ansprechen wenn ich die DMX Adresse in Vision um 1 nach oben setze ( Pultadresse 101, Vision 102) nur den Dimmer nicht - Lampe ist immer an.

Muss ich den Fixture type in GrandMA3 ändern? Für GrandMA Operator wahrscheinlich Berufsschul-Niveau aber ich blick nicht durch. Bin für jeglichen Input dankbar.


Gruß Kay 

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Am 11.5.2023 um 12:05 schrieb Kay Möller:

Hallo Zusammen,

weiß jemand zufällig wie ich in Vision den VL5 Dimmer ansteuern kann.


GrandMA3 Mac Fixture VL5 Mode4 , Vision 2023.


Ich kann alle Parameter der Lampe in Vision ansprechen wenn ich die DMX Adresse in Vision um 1 nach oben setze ( Pultadresse 101, Vision 102) nur den Dimmer nicht - Lampe ist immer an.

Muss ich den Fixture type in GrandMA3 ändern? Für GrandMA Operator wahrscheinlich Berufsschul-Niveau aber ich blick nicht durch. Bin für jeglichen Input dankbar.


Gruß Kay 

  13 hours ago, Mark Eli said:

I think this is a combination of two things.

The VL5 was  originally created for version 1 of Vision, and used systems that have since changed to simulated the external dimmer Kevin pointed out. This is why the fixture is always on in Vision. So it will need to be updated in the future to include dimmer control. As a work around, I'd suggest using the VL5 Arc, which has an internal dimmer. The color will probably be different, but the modes and channel assignments are the same.


The second part is with how MA deals with these types of fixtures. I don't know much about MA3, but I do know a bit about MA2. From the look of things, they handle external dimmers the same.


In your screenshot on the left, you see Patch1 (1.059) and Patch2 (1.060). Assuming it's the same as MA2, Patch 1 is the external dimmer, and Patch 2 is the rest of the fixtures functionality. So it's assuming the dimmer takes 1 channel, and the rest of the functions take another 13, making the footprint 14, even though the actual fixture is only 13. You should be able to set both Patch 1 and 2 to 1.059, which should make things line up correctly. On MA2, it does show an error when I do this, but I ignored it and everything worked as I'd expect. Alternatively, you can use the VL5 Arc profile if it's available.


Hi Mark, it's working! Thanks a lot for your help. I'll get you a beer when I'm in the US.


It is in fact a mixture of 2 things - i have set both addresses to the start address in GrandMA3 and you have to replace the VL5  into a VL5 Arc as well.

Set the CT to 3200K - done...thank you very much...


Cheers Kay

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