napwszzm Geschrieben 10. Februar 2023 Geschrieben 10. Februar 2023 Hi @Marcel Ostendorf I just watched the new Extragroup Youtub video which shows the worktop can be added pretty quickly. However I have two little curiosities here: 1. Can we add the worktop on multiple base units? A kitchen normally have multiple base cabinets, do we add the worktop one by one? Or there will be a new way which select multiple cabinets and then add worktop on them. 2. Does the new function allow to add worktop on base corner cabinets? Such as L-shape corner or blind corner unit? Thanks Nap
Marcel Ostendorf Geschrieben 10. Februar 2023 Geschrieben 10. Februar 2023 Hi Nap, the video is about associating custom parts with cabinets. This allows to gather both in a single export when you're only exporting one Creating worktops on cabinets is a feature that exists for quite a while now. You may also select multiple cabinets and create a worktop on all of them. L-shapes are not supported. Grüße, Marcel Ostendorf extragroup GmbH
napwszzm Geschrieben 11. Februar 2023 Autor Geschrieben 11. Februar 2023 15 hours ago Marcel Ostendorf wrote: Hi Nap, the video is about associating custom parts with cabinets. This allows to gather both in a single export when you're only exporting one Creating worktops on cabinets is a feature that exists for quite a while now. You may also select multiple cabinets and create a worktop on all of them. L-shapes are not supported. Hi Marcel, Thanks for your reply. I thought that was a new innovative and faster way to add worktop automatically, with certain predefined rules/principles, instead of using custom part.
ChrisKo Geschrieben 11. Februar 2023 Geschrieben 11. Februar 2023 Mich hat das erstellen mit dem Blitz auch kurz stutzig gemacht. Ich kann auch jedes andere Bauteil was ich zeichne mit dem Korpus verheiraten, oder? Es muss wahrscheinlich nicht mal ne Verbindung zu dem Korpusmöbel haben, oder? Geht das nur mit Bauteilen 3D oder auch mit Symbolen?
napwszzm Geschrieben 12. Februar 2023 Autor Geschrieben 12. Februar 2023 vor 9 Stunden schrieb ChrisKo: Creating with the flash also made me suspicious for a moment. I can also marry any other component that I draw to the body, right? It probably doesn't even have to have a connection to the corpus furniture, does it? Is this only possible with 3D components or also with symbols? Hum.... I assume this function was developed for a reason. Maybe, it will join the worktop(s) when multiple base units sitting with each other???
Fredy65 Geschrieben 12. Februar 2023 Geschrieben 12. Februar 2023 vor 3 Stunden schrieb napwszzm: Hum.... I assume this function was developed for a reason. Maybe, it will join the worktop(s) when multiple base units sitting with each other??? Hi Nap, the function has been possible for 2 years. Gruß Fredy Interiorcad 2024 immer aktuelle Version
napwszzm Geschrieben 12. Februar 2023 Autor Geschrieben 12. Februar 2023 Am 2/11/2023 um 3:47 AM schrieb Marcel Ostendorf: Hi Day, the video is about associating custom parts with cabinets. This allows to gather both in a single export when you're only exporting one Creating worktops on cabinets is a feature that exists for quite a while now. You may also select multiple cabinets and create a worktop on all of them. L-shapes are not supported. Hi @Marcel Ostendorf, thanks for your reply. I did not realize the worktop and plinth can be added this way until @Fredy65 pulled out the Youtube tutorial. Also, it will be very nice to show us what's the benefit(s) for that new function. === vor 11 Stunden schrieb Fredy65: Hi Day, the function has been possible for 2 years. Greetings Fredy Hi @Fredy65, thanks again for showing me the video. Stupidly, I have been adding worktop by drawing the the shape across the base units using the custom part so as well as the plinth. 1
napwszzm Geschrieben 14. Februar 2023 Autor Geschrieben 14. Februar 2023 Hi @Marcel Ostendorf Sorry for asking you question again, which related to the plinth added on multiple units. Is there a way to place the plinth without changing the cabinet height? I have attached a video below to explain the case: My default cabinet height is 780mm, but after adding the plinth automatically, the cabinet height is reduced by the plinth height. Is there a way to stop reducing the cabinet height when adding the plinth for multiple units? Thanks for your time. Nap plinth.mp4
kingchaos Geschrieben 14. Februar 2023 Geschrieben 14. Februar 2023 Moin, interessant. Aber wenn man die freien bauteile dem container des Korpusnamen zuordnet passiert doch das gleiche, nicht wahr? Zumindest habe ich das so gemacht und dann sieht es so aus, als ob das Bauteil auch in dem Korpus ist. SEHR SEHR cool waere es, wenn es im Anschluss im Korpusgenerator auftaucht und man es konfigurieren koennte. Geht da ggf. was? gruß KC HP Z2 G9 Wolf Security Edition Win 11 Pro, 64 gb RAM, NVIDIA RTX A4000. VWX 2025
Marcel Ostendorf Geschrieben 14. Februar 2023 Geschrieben 14. Februar 2023 vor 5 Stunden schrieb napwszzm: Hi @Marcel Ostendorf Is there a way to stop reducing the cabinet height when adding the plinth for multiple units? Thanks for your time. Nap Yes. Add a plinth to the cabinet first, then select it and hit create from selection within the plinth tool. The internal plinth will be converted to an external one. Grüße, Marcel Ostendorf extragroup GmbH
napwszzm Geschrieben 14. Februar 2023 Autor Geschrieben 14. Februar 2023 vor einer Stunde schrieb Marcel Ostendorf: Yes. Add a plinth to the cabinet first, then select it and hit create from selection within the plinth tool. The internal plinth will be converted to an external one. Hi @Marcel Ostendorf, Thanks for your hint and I have tried a few times following your instruction (I might have done somthing wrong), but could not achieve the result. I have attached the video below, and please point it out if I made mistake here. Thanks a lot, Nap plinth2.mp4
Marcel Ostendorf Geschrieben 14. Februar 2023 Geschrieben 14. Februar 2023 Bildschirmaufnahme 2023-02-14 um Hope this helps Grüße, Marcel Ostendorf extragroup GmbH
napwszzm Geschrieben 14. Februar 2023 Autor Geschrieben 14. Februar 2023 vor 10 Stunden schrieb Marcel Ostendorf: Hope this helps Hi @Marcel Ostendorf Thank you for taking time to record the video. Now, I am kind of understanding the function is about taking the existing plinth out of the cabinet. Before that, I thought the plinth worked separately when selected in the 3D Cabinet. The challenge of my side is that my cabinet library was created without plinth in the 3D Cabinet initially, I didn’t notice that the plinth in the 3D Cabinet is not separated or working independently to the cabinet. In this case it’s better for me to leave this creative function. To be honest, I still can’t figure out the advantage of taking existing plinth out from the cabinet. Thanks for your time again. Nap
Marcel Ostendorf Geschrieben 15. Februar 2023 Geschrieben 15. Februar 2023 You're welcome, Nap. The Plinth 3D tool is intended to create a continuous base under multiple individual cabinets. We're just gathering information on how to improve the tool. Feel free to make your suggestions: Grüße, Marcel Ostendorf extragroup GmbH
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