When I'm placing connectors, I find it time consuming to snap to the right grid because a lot of other possible connections are also visible and are showing a grid.
In the image below I'm trying to add a dowel to the fixed shelf - side left connection of the right cabinet.
I can't snap to it from this view because the connection between the 2 cabinets is also a possibility for the grid and from my point of view it is blocking the snap. To be able to snap to it, we have to rotate our view.
I would suggest to have a less cluttered view with only the connections visible that I need for that specific grid.
Therefor it would be great if we were able to define on the grid itself where the grid is for:
Sides - Cabinet/Fixed Shelves
Sides - backs
Partition - Cabinet/Fixed shelves
Custom parts
Cabinet - cabinet
For example a grid for dowel connections can only be used for:
Sides - Cabinet/Fixed Shelves
Partition - Cabinet/Fixed shelves
Selecting the specific grid then only shows it's according possible connections. All the other connections are hidden but add a override button in the toolbar to toggle between "show all possible connections" and "show grid specific connections":
When I'm placing connectors, I find it time consuming to snap to the right grid because a lot of other possible connections are also visible and are showing a grid.
In the image below I'm trying to add a dowel to the fixed shelf - side left connection of the right cabinet.
I can't snap to it from this view because the connection between the 2 cabinets is also a possibility for the grid and from my point of view it is blocking the snap. To be able to snap to it, we have to rotate our view.
I would suggest to have a less cluttered view with only the connections visible that I need for that specific grid.
Therefor it would be great if we were able to define on the grid itself where the grid is for:
For example a grid for dowel connections can only be used for:
Selecting the specific grid then only shows it's according possible connections. All the other connections are hidden but add a override button in the toolbar to toggle between "show all possible connections" and "show grid specific connections":
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