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Hello team,


I am a bit struggling to apply Blum inset hinges on the left-hand side cupboard door.

I did two ways to build this cabinet.

Method A: I made the two side panels wider for 20mm based on the Onset door method but can’t get the hinges right.


Method B: I made top shelf, bottom shelf, and the partition shorter, which made the doors as Inset construction, but this way needs to move the doors out 20mm.


Method C , I made seperate doors instead of double doors, left hand side door as inset, right hand side door as onset, but IC failed to make two doors identical. (This method might be too strange, so I did not include it in the file).


Blum inset hinges were failed to apply on the above three ways. 


Could someone tell me what’s the easiest or the right way to make this work?


Thanks a lot!!!






Hinge test.vwx

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