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Schrauben Bearbeitungen sitzen zu tief

Felix Völz

Empfohlene Beiträge


ich sitze wieder vor einem Problem, dass ich zwar in meinem Dokument habe, aber in einer neuen Datei nicht reproduzieren kann.

Und zwar möchte ich Schrauben zu meinem Korpus hinzufügen, diese Positionieren sich jedoch nicht selbst richtig. Die Schraube ist korrekt angelegt (1x Durchbohren, 1x Nullbearbeitung) und funktioniert in einem neuen Dokument auch zunächst.

In der angehängten Datei sitzt die Schraubenbearbeitung aber zwischen den zu verbindenden Teilen, warum? Die Nullbearbeitung sitzt ja damit an der korrekten Stelle, aber die Bohrung zum Vorbohren eben nicht. (siehe Foto)

Weiß jemand was hier passiert ist?

Vielen Dank!




VW21 SP4 | Interiorcad | Windows 10

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700 CPU @ 3.00GHz

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  • Felix Völz änderte den Titel in Schrauben Bearbeitungen sitzen zu tief
vor 11 Stunden schrieb Felix Völz:

Hi there,

I am again faced with a problem that I have in my document but cannot reproduce in a new file.

I want to add screws to my body, but they don't position themselves correctly. The screw is correctly positioned (1x drilling, 1x zero machining) and initially works in a new document.

In the attached file, however, the screw machining is located between the parts to be connected, why? The zero machining is in the correct place, but the hole for pre-drilling is not. (see photo)

Does anyone know what happened here?

Thanks very much!


Screw failure.PNG

Screw failure.vwx 10 MB · 2 downloads


I think you need to change the machine direction. 

Also, please be careful about the inserting direction. If you insert them on the opposite side of other drillings, it will create two separate dxf which you can disable later in export settings. 

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Good morning @napwszzm, thanks for your idea.

I still don't really know my problem with this topic, but after I deleted all screws in my user folder everthing fits again.

Anyway, what do you mean with "be careful about the inserting direction"?

Of course I usually insert screws on both sides of for example a bottom board with the same grid, so in fact they are mirrored. What's the matter with that?

VW21 SP4 | Interiorcad | Windows 10

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700 CPU @ 3.00GHz

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vor 16 Stunden schrieb Felix Völz:

Good morning @napwszzm, thanks for your idea.

I still don't really know my problem with this topic, but after I deleted all screws in my user folder everthing fits again.

Anyway, what do you mean with "be careful about the inserting direction"?

Of course I usually insert screws on both sides of for example a bottom board with the same grid, so in fact they are mirrored. What's the matter with that?



Sorry for confusing you. If you are using beam saw + point to point CNC as the production workflow, please ignore my reply. This is related to DXF files for flatbed CNC only. When I saw your image, it just aroused my memory when starting to use Interiorcad. I was so new, and did not know the tricks, so made many mistakes on production and modelling. 


The drillings could be inserted from outside or inside, top or bottom of a panel etc, if you set the direction opposite each other, it needs to export two separated DXF files to record this. In most cases, the nesting CNC is a bit hard to handle double side machining. If you are allowing opposite side DXF to be produced, your CAM system will load and cut extra panels. 


There is nothing wrong with Interiorcad, as this is a normal/logical way to handle DXF. 


So, simply ignore this if your are using a different workflow, this might be irrelevant to your situation. 




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